. n . o . n . i . k .

just an ordinary girl in an extraordinary world

so , di SPI itu ada yang namanya games week . SPI (iya , yang muridnya 'cuma' hampir 200an ituu) dibagi jadi 4 house , cut nyak dien (yey !!) , ki hajar dewantara , sisingamangaraja (nggak tau deh yang ke berapa , hehe) , dan pangeran diponegoro . games-nya ada soccer , basket , softball (dan nggak ada buat secondary !! argh !) , sportstacking , estafet , dan galasin . CND (cut nyak dien gituu!!) dapet 29 poin dan duduk di urutan pertama , sisingamangaraja 26 poin dan urutan kedua , pangeran diponegoro 21 poin di urutan ketiga , and last but not least is ki hajar dewantara dengan 20 poin . nggak seru , namanya aja games WEEK tapi cuma 4 hari , dari senin-kamis . huh !
yah , yang penting menang lah yaa...
there's no such things like winner or loser . WE are all the champions .

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well...there's a lot of words to describe me... evryone's perpectives are different , so...it's just me :)

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these are my feelings . my thoughts . even though I'm not perfect , I made my blog with all my passion and feeling :)

rhytem of my life--dirty little secret-all american rejects

what will u give ur gf/bf for the first year present ?

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